David Kincaid, Atlantic Pacific Producer, is one of many sponsors to donate and support a great cause for our Country’s Special Operation Combat Veterans and their Families. This year he participated in the Dagger Dive 2018, which took place the week of June 17-24th. It was hosted by Task Force Dagger, a nonprofit organization that supports all U.S. Special Operations Command service members and their families, is joining forces with the Navy League Key West Council to coordinate recreational therapy activities in and around the beautiful Key West waters. Activities include several diving trips and local recreational therapy programs plus an event to honor these Veterans and their Families at The Harry S Truman Little White House.
The Navy League – Key West Council in partnership with the Task Force Dagger Foundation will be bringing several United States Special Operations Command (US SOCOM) service members and their families to Key West as part of the Rehabilitative Therapy Events program.
Task Force Dagger Foundation’s three core programs: (1) Immediate Needs, (2) Special Operations Forces (SOF) Health Initiatives, and (3) Recreational Therapy Events provide resources and healing for Special Operations Forces (SOF) members and families. The SOF Health Initiatives provide program recipients care and treatment that is designed to treat the problem and not the symptom through functional medicine and other treatment modalities that are holistic in nature. Task Force Dagger Foundation supports Army Green Berets, Rangers, Civil Affairs, Military Information Support Operations, Army Special Mission Units, Navy SEALs, Air Force Special Tactics/Operations and Marine Special Operations and their families. These are some of the units that comprise the US Special Operations Command.
More information about Task Force Dagger and how to get involved is available at www.taskforcedagger.org.
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